About Maureen

Where did it all begin?
For two decades, I facilitated strategic problem-solving with teams from the C-suite to the front-line. These were wildly diverse, vital issues that included: re-design of health care delivery for the Canadian military, post-merger culture alignment for two religious organizations – imagine that! –
strategic direction-setting for a major national nuclear organization and imperative lessons learned for a pivotal national banking, insurance and private sector collaboration. I helped essential teams in finance, construction, justice, manufacturing, high tech, not-for-profit and more get from gnarly dysfunction and disagreement to a powerfully aligned other side.
Key to my success was setting in motion the dynamics for people to surprise themselves and each other with the quality of their competence, collaboration and caring. These attributes had been there all along; but were impeded by the dynamic patterns in place between them.
I became fascinated by the challenge of getting these teams to not need my help. How could I help teams have these kind of transformational team dynamics in place every day?

But then ...
What I could not yet see was how these very dynamics also existed in my own life. In my own life, ego, threat and reactivity had begun to appear. A problem that comes with
success is expectation. The stakes get higher. The same can happen with being in and raising a family. The stakes are high. I had not yet clearly understood the influence of context on what arises in, or is created by, the mind. Who was this other person who took over my body? How and why was the wisdom of all my training and my deep
knowing not stopping my own unwise behaviour? I began to live in the consequences of dynamics that were in part my own creation.
What then were the ingredients, approaches and tools that help us create powerful, positive, mutually reinforcing patterns in the “teams” where we spend our days even despite high stakes and challenging context? Of course, so many of my clients had both challenging context and high stakes and I had helped get them to the powerfully aligned
other side; but discovering it in my own life became the fodder I needed for unearthing solutions that exist on a deeper, more fundamental, more transformational level.

And Then ...
This became a multi-year journey of unpacking, trialing concepts and techniques with my clients and on myself. We grew and evolved together. My work transitioned from strategic problem-solving to creating powerful dynamics and collaboration on teams.
From this phoenix, a model for Co-Creative Collaboration (CCC) emerged and CCC Transformational Team Dynamics Workshops were born.

Imagine a world in which everyone both saw and brought out the best in everyone. In that world, we will astound ourselves with what is possible together. My life purpose is to take a stand for that possibility.
I have worked with groups from 2 to 12,000 people with leadership and teams from organizations as large as 80,000 people. We don't get to be perfect because we still get to be human; but with some surprisingly simple insights, a few fundamental tools and some powerful experiences together, you and your team can savour the joy of team dynamics that make collaboration, productivity and happiness your new way of being. Together.
Are you ready? I can't wait to work with you!

- Masters in Business (MBA)
- BA in Psychology
- Certified Relationship Systems Coach (ORSCC)
- Graduate, Co-Active Leadership (CTI)
- Certified Advanced Enneagram Practitioner and Coach (EIB, IEQ9)
- Certified Systems Dynamics Facilitator (Hellinger Institute)
- Certified Strategic Alignment Facilitator (Psychometrics)
- Certified Change Management Practitioner (APMG, Prosci)
- Certified Management Consultant (CMC)
- Certified Professional Facilitator (CPF)
- Regular Contributor to Forbes' Magazine Expert Panels on Leadership, Culture, Teams and Human Behaviour
"Maureen is amazing at reading the room and helping people engage more openly and more deeply."
"Maureen is awesome! She presents information in a way that avoids unnecessary challenge and defensiveness; while still helping us have the hard conversations we needed to have."
"Great positivity and energy. You
brought the best out of everyone!"
"Thank you for your passion and commitment! We are now stronger and better together. You’re the best!"